Birth Date and New Due Date!

March 8th, 2008 4:57am
March 7th, 2011

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Allan took this picture one evening after Acer and I went to bed early. I love this picture too!

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Welcome to our blog!

We created this blog to keep family and friends updated on our life in Vermont!

For those of you who have experience with blogs, you should have no problem. For those of you who don't, here's some basic information about using this blog:

-In the left column you will find posts. This is where we will put news, updates, pictures, and basically let you know what's going on. The newest post will be at the top. After a while, old posts become archived so, at the bottom of this column there is a post archive where you can find any old posts...

-In the column to the right you will find pictures, links, polls for you to answer, and anything else we might find interesting to add!

Please feel free to leave comments or email us anytime! To leave comments about a posting, click on the comments at the bottom of any post, after our name and date.

Mish and Allan