Birth Date and New Due Date!

March 8th, 2008 4:57am
March 7th, 2011

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Birthday!

Here we are... One year after Acer was born. What a day. Allan, Keith, Otho, and Loren spent the day up at the sugaring site, while Acer, Suzy, and Mish worked at the house to get ready for a birthday party. We had some good friends and family over for a potluck dinner and cake. Michelle and her mom were able to come, which was a lot of fun! Acer was a little overwhelmed and cried a couple of times, but as the song says, "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to"! We had an all maple cake with the syrup from Acer's birthday last year. It was rich and delicious... Acer loved it and put his foot in it :) After everyone left we had some nice quiet time at home together. A busy, but fun first birthday! Thanks to all who made it so great!

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Mish and Allan