Birth Date and New Due Date!

March 8th, 2008 4:57am
March 7th, 2011

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Out of Bed!

Hurray, Acer and I made our first trip upstairs together after 10 days in bed. It has been quite a recovery so far, but with the help of so many people (Allan is an amazing caregiver...) I am healing nicely. There's nothing like a beautiful little boy to speed the healing. So, we are very slowly getting back into "the groove" and returning to some of the things we used to do around the house. I am working on catching up on emails, helping Allan in the kitchen and folding laundry, and well I guess not too much else.

I just wanted to share a picture with you of Acer's first bath. It was the day before my first upstairs trip so Allan bathed him in our bathroom sink. A little tiny even for a peanut like Acer... Today we will try out the kitchen sink. He seems to enjoy the warm water.

Once again, thank you for all the food, flowers, phone calls, visits, and loving support these past couple of weeks. -Mish

1 comment:

patti516 said...

Great picture!!! Thanx for sharing.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Huggs and smoochies,
auntis patis

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Mish and Allan