Birth Date and New Due Date!

March 8th, 2008 4:57am
March 7th, 2011

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Our Snow...

The first picture was taken on December 5th, after our first big storm and the second picture was taken on December 21st, after the most recent storm ! As you can see, our chairs are now buried...

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Sunday, Snowy Sunday! The storm has finally hit us. Hopefully this Nor'Easter is all it was cracked up to be. We are forcasted to receive 12-18 inches of snow! Hard to believe considering this picture was taken last year on Christmas Day! As you can tell, we didn't have ANY snow last year. So far this year we've had a 10 inch storm, lots of little 1-3 inch storms, a 5 incher, and now this 12-18 inch storm! Allan is off right now at Mad River Glen (ski area) "working". He leads snowshoe naturalist programs. Most likely there won't be many people signed up so he'll just ski! I'm staying comfortably "snowed-in" today! We'll be sure to add pictures of how much snow we have! Sorry it took so long to post... We'll try to make sure that doesn't happen again. Enjoy the weather!


p.s. We'll be adding another picture of my belly very soon!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Life and death

Life and death seem rather intertwined from a meat-eater's perspective. Allan's first year hunting proves fruitful. 135lbs, 5points, and 55 lbs of jerky, steak, and ground Venison. Quite a gift from a beautiful animal.

"Medium" Big Mama

Referring to the size of her belly in front of the not-so-pot-belly-stove. In this picture the wee-babe is 21 weeks old, Mish is 1423 weeks old. Thanksgiving is approaching and we wish all of you the best and we think of our loved-ones often.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's a mammal!

So, here it is! We had an ultrasound today and can now release the most anticipated picture of 2007. Although it may not look it, we are in fact having a mammal. We saw the umbilical cord and the 4-chambered heart. Pretty definitive proof. Sorry to those of you who were hoping to know if it was a boy or girl. We decided to not find out. However, we did learn that the baby is healthy, weighs about 10 ounces, has a heartbeat around 160 beats per minute, and likes to kick! We want to thank everyone for voting and sharing such helpful advice. We want to remind you to not only comment on our page, but be sure to read other people's comments. Uncle Rob has some really stellar advice that everyone should read!

-Mish and Allan

Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Snow!

It's not much, but we had our first snow today! It finally feels like fall... These pictures are from our front and back decks.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paternal Care...

Only 19 weeks in and we're starting to show! It's important for males to take some responsibility in the gestation period. Here's Allan, doing his part.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Next Appointment

18+ weeks... Our next prenatal appointment is on Tuesday! This is the big ultrasound appointment! Our midwife may or may not be able to tell us if we will be having a boy or a girl. It depends on how developed the baby is and his/her position during the ultrasound... This is when they look at the health of the baby and check for any major complications. We are very excited! We have had another ultrasound early on to check a minor problem (which turned out to be nothing), but this one will be much more fun! We will be sure to post images of the baby. So... We would like to answer our poll question about whether or not you think we should find out. You'll find it in the right column. Of course, we'll still do what we feel we want to do, but it will be fun to see what you think! Happy polling!

Mish and Allan

Thursday, October 11, 2007

2nd appointment

Yesterday we had our second prenatal appointment with our midwife, Kathryn! Apparently I've gained 8 pounds in the past 4 months. That seems like A LOT to me, but she reassured me it's fine. Allan keeps reminding me that the baby needs to eat too! We also heard the heartbeat for the first time. At the 1st appointment about a month ago we weren't able to hear it because of the position of the baby, so we were really excited to hear it! The baby's heartbeat is over 170 beats per minute! We heard the baby moving around too... After the appointment we were able to meet our midwife's new teammate, Linda who we have for our next appointment at the end of the month. Apparently Central Vermont Midwifery is growing! All in all, an easy but fun appointment...

After our appointment I went to my second pregnancy massage with Suzy and it was spectacular! It was soooo relaxing. I love her studio! Check out Suzy's website that we're putting together. We're trading web design work for massage, good deal... The link is to your right...

Take care,

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I don't look pregnant...

This picture was taken soon after we found out in mid-July.

Welcome to our blog!

We created this blog to keep family and friends updated on our life in Vermont!

For those of you who have experience with blogs, you should have no problem. For those of you who don't, here's some basic information about using this blog:

-In the left column you will find posts. This is where we will put news, updates, pictures, and basically let you know what's going on. The newest post will be at the top. After a while, old posts become archived so, at the bottom of this column there is a post archive where you can find any old posts...

-In the column to the right you will find pictures, links, polls for you to answer, and anything else we might find interesting to add!

Please feel free to leave comments or email us anytime! To leave comments about a posting, click on the comments at the bottom of any post, after our name and date.

Mish and Allan